LGIFR Board Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2017
.Board Members Present: Bob Weronik, Paul Holmes, Conrad Coolidge and Leigh Olson.
Call To Order: Bob Weronik called the meeting to order at 10:31 A.M.
Meeting Minutes Approval: Paul Holmes moved to accept the January 28, 2017 minutes as presented. Leigh Olson seconded the motion which was passed by all present.
Treasurers Report: Conrad Coolidge presented the financials as of February 28, 2016. Bob moved to accept the financials as presented subject to review. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed by all present.
Fire Chief Report: Bob Weronik presented the Fire Chief's Report (prepared by Don Adams, Fire Chief) which will be posted to the LGIFR website.
Assistance to Firefighters Grant and SASP: Bob Weronik reported that LGIFR has been accepted into the program to receive assets from the government. Bob Weronik also reported that LGIFR has applied for a grant for a Polaris fire vehicle but an award determination has not been received.
2017 Proposed Budgets: Bob Weronik presented the proposed 2017 LGIFR Budget (a copy will be placed on the LGIFR website). Paul Holmes moved to accept the proposed 2017 LGIFR Budget as presented. Leigh Olson seconded the motion which was passed by all present.
Litigation Update: Bob Weronik reported that the Judge has denied our motion to dismiss the pending litigation. Bob Weronik will instruct the attorney to file for a summary judgement.
Fire House Options Advisory Group: Mike Anderson, Roy Petteway, Robert Hill and Andy Hagelin were nominated to the Fire House Options Advisory Group. Conrad Coolidge will act as back up for Andy Hagelin. Bob Weronik moved to accept the Fire House Options Advisory Group as presented. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed by affirmative votes by Bob Weronik, Leigh Olson and Paul Holmes. Conrad Coolidge abstained from the vote.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be May 6, 2017 at 10:30 A.M.
Public Comment: Conrad Coolidge expressed concern about the increased fire risk during spring break. Bob Weronik will ask Fire Chief Don Adams to work with law enforcement to develop an appropriate plan.
Motion to Adjourn: Leigh Olson moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:23 A.M. Bob Weronik seconded the motion which was passed by all present.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leigh Olson, Secretary
Board Members Present: Bob Weronik, Paul Holmes, Conrad Coolidge and Leigh Olson. Call To Order: Bob Weronik called the meeting to order at 10:01 A.M.
Meeting Minutes Approval: Leigh Olson moved to approve the minutes of the December, 10, 2016 meeting. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed by affirmative votes by Paul Holmes, Leigh Olson and Conrad Coolidge. Bob Weronik abstained from voting.
Treasurers Report: The 2016 financials were presented by Conrad Coolidge which will be posted to the LGIFR website. Bob Weronik moved to accept the financials subject to review. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by the Board members present. Bob Weronik moved that the 2017 Budget be placed on the agenda for discussion and adoption at the next LGIFR Board meeting. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by the Board members present.
Fire Chief Report: Don Adams, Fire Chief, presented the Fire Chief's Report which will be posted to the LGIFR website.
Website: The website is up to date. All information that needs to be on the website should be forwarded to Admin@lgifr.com.
Silent Auction and Lasagna Dinner: 112 people attended the fund raiser which raised $6,151.00. These funds will be used to purchase/replace EMS equipment.
Building Lot: The last payment for the building lot will be made by the end of January. Per Bob Weronik, the County revised the entire island to a VA rating. It will take an estimated $120,00.00 to make the lot buildable. Bob Weronik moved that a Fire House Advisory Group be formed. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by the Board members present.
Litigation Update: Bob Weronik will pursue a compromise with the insurance company for payment of legal fees. A settlement hearing took place without a settlement being reached. A request for dismissal has been assigned to a judge but no date has been set.
2018 Tax Increase: Bob Weronik moved to not increase the 2018 tax assessment. Paul Holmes seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by the Board members present.
CERT Training: The next CERT Training will be February 12, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be March 11, 2017 at 10:30 A.M.
Public Comment: Midge O'Hara requested that the 2015 CPA review letter be posted to the website as well as the 2017 budget. Bob Weronik indicated that both items will be posted to the website. Tom McCoy asked if the donations are going to the EMS budget. Conrad Colidge indicated that the funds are going to the EMS budget.
Motion to Adjourn: Paul Holmes moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 A.M. Leigh Olson seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by the Board members present.
Respectfully Submitted, Leigh Olson, Secretary